Thursday 15 September (Week 8) to Friday 23 September (Week 9)
Start Times and Bus Times During Exams:
- Exams start at 9.00am (including Tuesday) and 1.00pm
- Bell Times – change only to Period 3 less 5 mins; lunch time after Period 3 and Periods 4 and 5 are 1 hour.
- Tuesday buses will not be at late start time. If the afternoon exam finishes after 3.20pm then transport home will have to be arranged.
Term 3 2022 Practice Examinations / Workshops 9am – 12pm (including Tuesday) 1pm – 4pm
- The examinations are for all senior ākonga entered into externals.
- Workshops are offered for externally assessed practical subjects.
- The primary focus is practice for externals and not as a derived grade backstop.
- Be at school for the exam / workshop or be at home studying.
- Some students may be asked by teachers to come into school to finish assessment work.
Absence from Exams:
- Call to report an absence before 8.30am
- Heads of House will contact those students who fail to show for exams and have not phoned in. They will be required to make up the lost time if the reason for absence is not valid.
Examination Rooms for Seniors:
- Hall and S Block Rooms
- The Exam timetable will be on Student Hub, in the Daily Bulletin, at the Student Office and on the Main Noticeboard.
Gear Pack:
Bring a clear plastic bag with pens, calculator (if needed), etc. and your phone if you have no bag with you.
Exam Procedures:
The following examination procedures are to be applied:
- Wear correct school uniform.
- Assemble outside the room 15 mins before the start of the exam (8.45am or 12.45pm)
- No talking during the examination time or while papers are being collected.
- No borrowing equipment or extra paper from other students.
- Leave bags at the front of the room.
- Phones, watches or any electronic device are not allowed to be brought into an exam. They must be turned off and placed in bags or left with the teacher or in your gear pack on the floor under the seat.
- No eating, chewing, or drinking.
- Go to the toilet before the exam.
- All communication is through the supervising staff.
- No foreign language or English dictionaries are permitted in any exam.
- Students must stay in an exam for the full 2 hours or 3 hours
- Seniors are expected to leave the school grounds once exams have finished after 2 hours or 3 hours.
- There are a small number who stay to wait for their bus. These students are to be in the Library studying.