Some parents may elect to place their child with relatives or close family friends. Such homes (designated caregivers) are subject to the usual checks carried out for approved homestays.
All accommodation will be regularly visited by Rosehill College homestay staff. All Rosehill College homestay carers and designated caregivers and their live-in family members over the age of 18 have been vetted by the New Zealand Police.
Rosehill College Homestays:
Fees are paid to the school for the same period as the tuition fees.
The school pays the homestay families on a two weekly basis.The homestay weekly rate includes an amount that is used by the College to monitor the homestay. Students may not change their accommodation without the Director’s permission, and this permission must be sought in writing and well in advance.
Your homestay family:
- Your family has been specially chosen for you. They will act in place of your parents while you are in NZ. Make sure you have completed our questionnaire so that we understand your needs.
- All families have different habits and customs. It is important to find out what your new family expects of you. You will be given a booklet called Homestay Information and Guidance for International Students. You should read and discuss this booklet with your family. It includes a list of useful questions you might ask, such as what to call them, when to have a shower and what happens with your washing.
- You will have your own room.
- You should ask them about use of the computer/internet.
- You will need to get a NZ SIM card for your phone and will need to open a NZ bank account. Your homestay family or our International Co-ordinator will help you with these.
- Your family will show you how to get to school. NB You are not allowed to own nor drive a car while you are an international student at Rosehill College.
- Most parents work (mother and father).
- In an emergency contact the International Students 24 Hour phone on 027 463 0267
Rosehill College Homestay Application Form
Students choosing not to stay in Rosehill College Homestays:
These students must live with either their parents or a close family relative or friend. These students’ parents must sign the ‘Statement of Designated Caregivers Arrangements’ form, available from the school or agents stating that they agree to take responsibility for placing their son/daughter with their relative.
Students living with their parents do not have to complete the Designated Caregivers document.
For Homestay Families:
If you and your family are considering becoming a host family, please read the documents and fill-out the below forms or contact our International Coordinator for more details.