The Ahurea Tino Rangatiratanga Kapahaka festival, which took place at Te Kura Maori o nga Tapuwae last week on October 13 2023, featured Te roopu Kapahaka o Pukeroihi. It was the first performance by our kapahaka group since the covid pandemic. Being able to take our tauira to experience te ao haka and broaden their understanding of Maori performing arts in general was a treat for us all to witness. On that particular day, only eleven students performed, nevertheless they upheld our school character, values, and did so with grace, pride, and mana for our school, culture, and whanau.
Our pupils exited the stage with great enthusiasm because they understood that what they had just accomplished will endure and continue to expand.
To sum up this experience we leave you with the wise words of Te Puea Herangi. ” Ki te Moemoeaa ahau ko ahau anake, ki te Moemoeaa tatou ka taea e tatou” If I dream, I dream alone, If we dream as a collective we shall all succeed. Tihei Mauri Ora.